Newkeys​ - Overview

A proprietary encryption platform safeguarding digital assets with unrivaled strength and speed.
Fields of Activity: Encryption / Cybersecurity
Key Stakeholders: Dr. Gil Pogozelich, Mr. Yossi Avni, Mr. Maor Cohen.
Company Stage: Round A


NKL is a cutting-edge cybersecurity company that has developed a patented network security technology to securely encrypt any connections, even over non-secure channels. NKL enhances symmetric encryption technology by creating a platform of encrypted networks between software and/or hardware components, without any key exchange.
This proprietary platform allows for both the ability to achieve a full Zero-Trust isolated environment in any organization network, protecting, from “Man-In-The-Middle” attacks, and for the ability to determine encryption strength in proportion to the desired units of processing power.
This innovative solution is a game-changer in the industry, providing robust protection against a wide range of cyber threats, including hacking attempts, data breaches, and many more. With this technology, users can enjoy enhanced performance and peace of mind, knowing that their organization is fully protected.

The Need

The cybersecurity industry has to address the following crucial needs:
1. Better performance of data in transit:
     – Bandwidth optimization: A well-known transmission bottleneck, essential for highperformance
        data transmission.
     – Encryption optimization: While essential for securing sensitive information, data
        encryption adds overhead to data transmission. Optimized encryption algorithms and
        hardware acceleration can minimize the impact on performance while ensuring secure
        data transit.
     – Latency reduction: Minimizing the delay or latency during data transmission is critical
        for performance.
      – Parallelization and parallel processing: Breaking down large data transfers into
         smaller chunks and transmitting them concurrently can improve overall performance.

2. Better security on data in transit:
Avoiding pre-shared keys (PSKs)
     – Scalability: PSKs can become difficult to manage and scale in large and complex
     – Key distribution: PSKs need to be securely distributed to all communicating parties
       before they can establish a secure connection.
     – Key revocation: If a PSK is compromised or a party needs to be denied access,
        revoking, or changing a PSK can become extremely inconvenient.
     – Lack of individual accountability: With PSKs, it can be challenging to attribute actions
       or changes in the network to specific individuals or devices. Since all entities share the
       same key, it becomes difficult to establish individual accountability in case of security
       incidents or breaches.

3. Strengthening the keys of symmetric encryption – this is important to enhance the security
and resilience of encrypted data:
     – Resistance against brute-force attacks.
     – Protection against advances in computing power.
     – Protection against known cryptographic attacks.
     – Long-term security: In some cases, the encrypted data needs to remain secure for an
       extended period.

The Market

The Global Data Processing Unit (DPU) market size was valued at USD 0.6 billion in 2021 and is
projected to reach USD 5.5 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 26.9% from 2022 to 2031. Allied
Market Research, 10/2022.
In 2022, the Global Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) market was valued at USD 40 billion, with
forecasts suggesting that by 2032 this is likely to rise to USD 400 billion U.S. dollars, growing at a
CAGR of 25% from 2023 to 2032. Statista, 03/2023.
The Global Endpoint Protection Platforms (EPP) Market was valued at at USD 9 billion in 2020
and is predicted to reach USD 29 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 12.5% from 2021-2030. Next
Move Strategy Consulting, 05/2023.
The global cloud computing market size was valued at $569.31 billion in 2022 & is projected to
grow from $677.95 billion in 2023 to $2,432.87 billion by 2030. Fortune Business Insights, 05/2023.
The Global Zero Trust Security Market is expected to be worth USD 61 billion in by 2027, growing
from USD 27 billion in 2022 at a CAGR of 17.3%. Markets and Markets Report, 05/2022.
The Global Cyber Security Market size is projected to grow from USD 172 billion in 2023 to USD
424 billion in 2030, at a CAGR of 13.8%. Fortune Business Insights, 04/2023.

The Technology

The technology developed attains better traffic-flow security by continuously changing the main
encryption key of a symmetric encryption tunnel, without any needed key exchange, eliminating
exposure to Men-In-The-Middle attacks.
Deployment of NKL’s technology allows to gain the ability to dynamically set key-exchange-rate,
as well as key strength (e.g. thousands of keys, each more than 20,480 bits), greatly diminishing
possible brute-force attacks.
The technology enables the creation of a network identity for any component in the network and
can be implemented on any layer of the OSI Network Model (from the physical layer to the
application), thus enabling a full Zero Trust methodology.
NKL’s technology allows the endpoint/component to save the asymmetric transactions of
acknowledgment and the exchange of symmetric keys, which enables East-West data transitions
over the WAN (Performance wise & Security wise)
NKL’s technology is compatible with current protocols (IPSEC, TLS/SSL) and can create
customized protocols as well (if needed).


NKL takes immense pride in its exceptional team, which sets it apart from the industry. Composed
of professionals with diverse backgrounds, the team brings a wealth of experience from the Israeli
Defense Forces, and the military security, high-tech and cyber industries. What makes the team
truly special is the fact that its members are not just experts in their respective fields, they are serial
entrepreneurs. This entrepreneurial spirit fuels NKL’s innovative thinking and drives the company
to push the boundaries of what is possible in cyber security. The team also includes individuals
with prestigious academic backgrounds, further strengthening its expertise and ensuring solutions
of the highest standards. With its combined skills, knowledge, and dedication, the team has
developed unique and groundbreaking technologies that deliver unrivaled security solutions to
NKL’s valued clients.

Go To Market Strategy

NKL is targeting two main types of clients:
1. Tier 1 manufacturers– to extend network performance capabilities at secured data transitions
(DPUs, P2P computing, automation, etc.)
2. Cybersecurity companies – integrations and collaborations with End-Point Protection
Platform (EPP), Cloud Security (CWPP), and Zero Trust (ZTNA) Security segments.


NKL has developed the proprietary technology (patents have been filed) and is starting to implement
it through strategic partnerships with Tier 1 and Cybersecurity EPP companies.
Nvidia – Integration on Nvidia’s DPUs to enable East-West traffic at 1000Gb/s with the highest
security level (current limitation 400Gb/s)
Cybereason – Integration as a design partner with the EPP company to deploy NKL’s
technology on Cybereason’s endpoints to extend network management and prevention in the
The Company is now in the stage of transitioning the technology to production levels.

Fields of Activity

 Encryption / Cybersecurity

Key Stakeholders 

Dr. Gil Pogozelich | Mr. Yossi Avni | Mr. Maor Cohen

Company Stage

Round A

NKL is a cutting-edge cybersecurity company that has developed a patented network security technology to securely encrypt any connections, even over non-secure channels. NKL enhances symmetric encryption technology by creating a platform of encrypted networks between software and/or hardware components, without any key exchange. This proprietary platform allows for both the ability to achieve a full Zero-Trust isolated environment in any organization network, protecting, from “Man-In-The-Middle” attacks, and for the ability to determine encryption strength in proportion to the desired units of processing power. This innovative solution is a game-changer in the industry, providing robust protection against a wide range of cyber threats, including hacking attempts, data breaches, and many more. With this technology, users can enjoy enhanced performance and peace of mind, knowing that their organization is fully protected.